Are You A Hoarder?

You’ve got a home, and you’ve filled it with everything you could dream of. Now are you going overboard, is there too much? Do you have a stack of boxes or random things in your spare bedroom? Chances are, you might be a hoarder, but don’t fear, we’ve got some ideas that will help you say goodbye to that unused stack of items piling up in the other room.

What exactly does it mean to hoard? This is a tricky one, because most of us as homeowners have a lot of possessions. Between decorations, books and furniture, our homes can get pretty cozy, or maybe even overwhelming. Now take some of those items, and think about if you can get rid of them. If you can’t seem to come to terms with the idea of letting go, you may have a habit of hoarding. Everyone’s different, but that’s the definition of it, give or take. Now let’s tackle some ideas to help you with parting ways with unused items that you may feel a sentiment towards. 

First and foremost, this is something I do personally at times to know if I truly don’t use something that lays around the house collecting dust. Take out your newly rediscovered home item, and put it in a box. Put all items similar into this box. Let it sit in a spare bedroom for a month. If you don’t ever once feel the urge to go take that item out of the box, you are just holding onto it for sentiment. The item shows no particular demanded use, and you can clearly see you don’t need it. Now it’s time to weigh out the options of how to get rid of these items.


If you’re a business minded person like I am, the first thought is, not letting the item go to waste. You spent money on it and although you don’t need it anymore, why not flip it and get a little bit back on what you paid for it. Remember that box we talked about? You probably have a few of those boxes if you’re a true hoarder. Open up the yard on a sunny day this Summer and run a little garage sale! You might not sell everything, but I’m sure someone in your neighborhood could put your possessions to good use, and actually use them. 

If you’re not in the mindset to sell your stuff, maybe because that’s not your preference or you don’t have the time to sit around all day waiting for business to come walking into your yard, you can consider the quick route. Take the boxes to a donation center. It’s not going to waste this way, but to a good cause, or to be resold back into the community but managed via Goodwill or The Salvation Army. You can wipe your hands clean of any work involved in option one, but still remove these items from your home. 

The last idea we can mention is just simply throwing things in the trash. This is the easiest option more than likely, but you have to be careful. There’s a lot we wouldn’t suggest just tossing into the bin. Electronics and other household items aren’t the best to fit into a trash bag first and foremost, and you wouldn’t want these items to simply be buried in the ground once they hit the landfill. Make sure you know how to properly dispose of some higher end tech and items per your community’s disposal practices!

Phew! By now we hope that you have some ideas on what to do with those old CD’s you never listen to anymore, or the stack of action figures in the other room that collected dust. All in all, the world keeps on moving and we forget to stop and clean up from time to time. You’re one step closer to not being labeled the local hoarder in your area! Happy cleaning, let us know if you have any great ideas that we didn’t mention in this article below.