Here’s the question, how can you make your home more cozy this Winter, without spending a fortune?
There’s a ton of ways you can do this, without doing a lot of work, a lot of shopping or breaking the bank. We have a few ideas below that might help you out!
Your Ceiling Fans Have a Switch
Most ceiling fans have a switch to direct air two ways, up or down (if that wasn’t obvious). The reason for this feature is to allow the airflow in the Summer to be lifted up and out since we want hot air OUT of our hangout areas. On the other hand, we have the ability to push air downwards, where we bring all the warm air to the floor in hopes of warming the room a tad. All you need to do is flip the switch and make sure the fan is spinning clockwise.
Moving Furniture
This one might seem like a lot of work depending on the circumstance but for some it’s well worth it (and absolutely free). Moving couches closer together will bring a more cozy feel to your living space first and foremost, which brings family and friends all closer together for the season. Being aware of where your windows and external doors is important as well, be sure to move your furnishing away from these spots to avoid cool drafts. If you have a heater or fireplace as well, now’s the time to move your furniture closer to enjoy the warmth of your fire or heaters.
Area Rugs
This is a simple one, and it will cost a little bit of money if you don’t currently own any. This is more for the homes full of hardwoods and tile rather than carpet. It’s a nice refreshing look while also padding your high traffic areas and providing softer cushions for your feet. This will keep your feet warm as well in areas like around the sink of your kitchen.
Humid Air Feels Warmer
Get yourself a humidifier, according to some research we did, humid air feels a bit warmer. If you currently own one, you’re in luck, if not, a small household one will do the trick. Always make sure you read the details of what you’re getting so it doesn’t blow a scent or something over the top fancy that might be harmful to children or pets!
Let The Sun Do The Work
This is a great one to utilize. It’s like using solar energy without the panels on the roof. Open your windows on the south side of your home to let the warmth of the sun in. At night be sure to cover them with curtains if you have them to bring an extra light wall into play to lower the amount of drafts coming in.
All in all, there’s other ways to cozy up your home we’re sure. These few options are a nice blend of creating some nice looks to the warm feels we all know and love in the Winter. If you have any ideas yourself, feel free to share them with us, we’d love to hear what you do to cozy up in this chilly season!